But it did happen, only a few days ago.
And to clarify, I am a REALLY good tipper. Ask my husband. I always tip over 20%. I figure they need it and what's a couple extra dollars to me? I have been a waitress and hated every second of it, so I appreciate anyone who can deal with Snooty-McSnootersons sitting at a dining table.
Let me set up the evening: Me and two friends were in Chicago for a work buying trip. We went to a Japanese Fusion restaurant that was reccommended to us by our hotel doorman. (The restautant will remain nameless due to my hatred for them.)
The bill came totalling $90 for which $30 of that was drink charges. I left a $10 tip which I admit is on the low side of generous, but at the same time, still an average tip amount.
Waiter: "Ummm excuse me ma'am, was there anything wrong with my service tonight?"
Me (confused): "uhh, no....?"
Waiter: "OK, my manager requires that I ask when I recieve a tip that is less than 15% if there was anything wrong."
Me (dumbfounded and completely offended): "Everything was fine until you just asked me that insane question!"
OK, at this point me and the ladies were speechless. We sat there staring at each other, the waiter and looking around like we were on a hidden camera show. I was picturing Ashton jumping out from behind the saki bar and yelling, "PUNKED!" but instead..... nothing.
Did this guy really call me out on a bad tip? The last time I checked it was called a "Gratuity" which in my dictionary means a 1.) gift or favor. 2.) something given without claim or obligation.
But here is where the story really gets juicy.... After we sat completely confused and embarrassed, I marched up to the front and asked for a manager. I wanted to make sure the waiter wasn't lying to me.
Me: "Can I talk to a manager?"
Guy at the front: "I can help you."
Me: "Do you really make your staff offend your customers and ask if everything was ok with the service if a tip is lower then 15%????"
Guy: "Well of course we do, anything less is unacceptable--- why did you tip less than the standard?"
Me: "Are you kidding me? Where I come from 10% is standard for adequate service."
Guy: (more nonsense)
Me: (becoming more angry)
I was so frustrated that I just gave up and started to leave. The "manager" was yelling at me as we left! What exactly, I don't know. It was all a blur. I just couldn't get my mind around the fact that he was causing such a scene in the restaurant.
This was an experience that I will never forget. I'm glad that I had people to share it with! And after the whole thing was over, I was glad I didn't tip any more!!
True Story.
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